


名为RAB3OUN and X-GUN的黑客已经获取了该域名。




1337day.com is Also known as Inj3ct0r  too ,  Yeah it sound little bit confusing but this is truth , 1337day.com got hacked and Defaced by the Hackers ,

Remember this is not first time that 1337day.com is hacked . last time it was hacked in 2013 March 18 , by SQL_Master and Zombi3_Ma,  and here is deface

But this time , Hackers Targeted the team of 1337day.com that they Share fake , and fixed exploits in market to earn money :

    You are selling exploit ?
    you are scammer you selling not working expoit and non-existent exploit

Hacker Also stated that :

        CIA arrested your domain ?!! Who you are ? CIA ask you for Client information ?!! LooooooL You have said a stupid reason for your client LooooooL You are so stupid

It is a big news for the team 1337Day.com who claimed to be a top Hacking Exploit seller in Cyber World , but if they cant secure their self how people would believe in them .

Defacepage :

